Monday, May 10, 2010


I was invited to a party. But I'm not sure I want to go. Hard words for me to say, I usually am always up for a party, especially a girls' night. But the purpose of this one has me conflicted.

The party is to celebrate an event in a friend's life. A "blessed event" you might say. I don't necessarily approve of how she got there, however. And I know it's not my place to approve or dissapprove. She doesn't need my approval, and she doesn't deserve my judgement either. She's a great woman; but I don't agree with some of the choices she's made.

So I am finding it hard to be excited about her party. That's not the kind of friend I should be or that she needs. I should just go to the party and shut up and be happy for her. That's what she needs. She doesn't need someone judging her choices. And let's not forget there's a baby here...who did nothing wrong and isn't deserving of my judgement either.

And who am I to judge anyway? I'm not perfect, I don't even try to be. I've done some stupid and regrettable things. So why can't I find it in my heart to see past a friend's transgressions - which she doesn't see as such anyway - and just pull it out and support her?

Excuse me as I get down off my high horse.